blogging challenge day two – Goals

according to the list I made for the 30-day challenge, today’s topic is 5 goals that I am currently pursuing.

I’m coming up on the end of the winter term at school, so it’s probably going to be a mix of short term and long term.

Un: catch up on my studying and buckle down for exams. I may have mentioned his before, but this semester has been rough going for me, more emotionally than anything else, and I finally feel somewhat up to meeting my own expectations so I want to get cracking

Deux: I brought home this amazing stick. Sounds kind of silly, but it is a great stick. I want to make a really cool wall hanging out of it using macramé and weaving. I haven’t decided on a color scheme, but I’ll show you some inspirational pictures.

the stick in question
the stick in question
Tapiz Blanco by Emebe Elepe
Tapiz Blanco by Emebe Elepe
textured woven art by SolDelSur
textured woven art by SolDelSur
Spirit Weaving
Spirit Weaving
All Roads textile art- Amazing stuff here!!
All Roads textile art- Amazing stuff here!!

Trois: Downsize my closet!! I work in a consignment store, which has really great clothing at great prices in the first place, but with my discount I just end up accumulating so much that I can’t possibly wear! On Day 6, you will all see it. There’s no reason for me to have 20 dresses… I might even have more than 20, I don’t even know.

Quatre: Finish knitting all of (or most of…. or even one tbh) the projects I have started. Right now the projects I know I have on the go are : socks pour moi, handwarmers for my sister (still!), multiple scarves/shawls, a hat, a bag that needs to be felted and embroidered, toys for my niece, and handwarmers for my mother. That’s just the ones I remember, and I know a few other projects I want to finish this year.


Cinq: Treat myself better. Just in general, I mentally beat myself up over unimportant things, I don’t eat well and then get bummed out about it, and I need to enforce boundaries with people who ignore the subtle signals.

This is a more comprehensive multi-pronged and very long-term goal. It’s mostly small things like making myself tea, preparing my food ahead of time, and making sure to drink water and go to bed when I’m actually tired. I have started to tackle the food prep and boundary enforcement, but water and sleep are my major stumbling blocks. So simple and yet so difficult.

What do you all think? do you think about the goals you’d like to set, or just have a vague set of things to do (like I usually do)?

Check out Erika’s post for today!

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